Anyone interested in selling or displaying at the show needs to fill out an application and submit it by mail with the table fees to the below address, in addition all dealers are required to follow the rules below.

FRHA 2024 Show

58 Dawson Dr.

Fredericksburg, VA 22405



Vendors are allowed 2 name badges for 1st. table, and 1 badge for each additional table. Please submit names with this application in order for name tag badges to be made. NO changes or additions 72 hours prior to show date. All persons without vendor or FRHA name tag badges must pay show entry fee. All vendors and FRHA members are required to display name tag badges during Friday set-up as well as Saturday show.

Friday night admission for non-badge holders is $60.00.

Vendor set-up is from 4pm – 7:30pm on Friday, March 4; and 7am – 9am on Saturday, March 5, 2022.  Vendor set-up, loading, and un-loading will be on the left side of the Eagles Aerie.  

Overnight security will be provided. Dealers are responsible for their merchandise during set-up and show hours.

All tables must be kept open and manned during show hours. NO live ordnance, ammunition, or modern firearms will be allowed at this show.

Payment, along with this completed, signed, and dated application must be returned for reservation of tables. Make checks payable to “Fredericksburg Relic Hunters Association”. First come / first served. Request for additional applications can be sent to or Jason at (703) 727-3727. Vendors will receive table confirmation after payment is made.